Dancing on Clouds
An other worldly experience
Dancing on clouds Dry Ice low fog
A magical experience designed for your first dance
our beautiful thick fog is dramatically directed towards you then rolls across the dance floor and out amongst your guests.
This is a specialty machine with one purpose, to create an emotionally charged atmosphere that your friends and family will not forget.

Our professional attendant is trained to be seen only when required, is professionally dressed and will happily wait if your first dance time is extended.
You are our focus for the evening, and we will wait for your perfect moment.
Know what you are getting
Did you know there are 3 ways to create a low fog?
​​​1 - Dry Ice Low fog ( Dancing on clouds )
Uses 12-15kg of dry ice ( frozen Co2 ) that is lowered into near-boiling hot water. This sublimates the dry ice turning it directly from a frozen solid to a gas. mixed with water vapour, the co2 gas leaves the front of the machine and immediately falls to floor level. This is a great way to create huge amounts of controlled fog safely. To adjust the fog output the operator raises or lowers the dry ice in and out of the water to create the perfect effect.
Resistance to a breeze- best used indoors - Outdoor results are at the mercy of the wind
Refresh rate - approx 40 minutes to reheat the water
Cost per use - High due to the dry ice cost
operation time - 3-5 minutes
Ease of operation - Trained Attendant required
2 - water atomizer low fog
This machine essentially vibrates distilled water with an ultrasonic agitator to create a water vapour that is combined with a fog fluid and then mechanically blown across the dance floor. The fog level can be incrementally adjusted via a DMX control board or on the machine.
Resistance to a breeze - Poor, best used with airconditioners off and doors closed
Refresh rate - approx 5 minutes to initially warm up
Cost per use - low
operation time - 30 second bursts for up to 90 mins or more
Ease of operation - Some training is required but can be left unattended
3 - Chilled fog fluid
This machine operates similarly to the water atomizer but relies more on the fog fluid. It creates low fog by heating the fog fluid and then pushing it through regular or dry ice to cool it down.
Resistance to a breeze - poor, only used with airconditioners off and doors closed
Refresh rate - approx 5 minutes to initially warm up
Cost per use - low
operation time - 30 second bursts for up to 90 mins or more
Ease of operation - easy training required but can be left unattended
Each machine has its purpose, but the best machine for a first dance at a wedding is the Dry Ice low fog machine. Its powerful volume of fog will always hug the ground. Its a much thicker fog than the fog fluid systems, can not set off smoke alarms and doesn't include possibly irritating chemicals for your guests.
If you are not sure what you are getting quoted on, its best to ask.